Saturday, February 5, 2011

And it's a....

Boy! We had an ultrasound yesterday at 20 wks 1 day and our little bean showed us that he is a boy. We are very excited about this news, and I'm proud of myself because I've been saying for a while I felt it was a boy, but nobody around me seemed to believe me. The doctor said that everything on and in our little boy looked perfect! We got some decent pictures, but when he tried to do a 3-d one of his face, it didn't work out super great because our little man was cuddling away from us. The doctor did the best he could though and got us a profile pic. We do have a name, and unless something changes, his name will be William Maddox. William, after Freddy on my dad's side and Maddox was a boy name we both actually agreed on. Here are some pics of my belly bump(last weekend at 19 wks 3 days) and our ultrasound pics. Enjoy!

How far along? 20 wks 2 days

Maternity clothes? Pants, YES! Shirts, not yet, but I def can't wear all of my old shirts.

Stretch marks? nope :)

Sleep: naps are wonderful, sleeping through the night is a hit or miss thing now.

Best moment this/last month: finding out we're having a boy

Movement: Oh yes! He's pretty active at night.

Food cravings: Nothing really crazy or memorable

Gender: all B-O-Y!

Labor Signs: none, thank goodness

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but on it's way out

Wedding rings on or off? On

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach

What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery together now that we know what to buy

Weekly Wisdom: Prenatal massages are a MUST

Milestones: Felt him for the 1st time at 16wks, Glenn was able to feel him last week at 19 wks, and of course finding out what we're having.

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