Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Time Update

I hope this update finds everyone enjoying this holiday season. I have been out of school/work for a week and a half and Glenn also took leave, so he hasn't had to worry (more or less) about work or go in at all. It's been an amazing break from the Army! My parents and Adri came up for Christmas and we had a great time, along with a great 7 or so inches of snow the day after Christmas. We are planning on going down to GA tomorrow to spend New Years with my parents and hopefully see a few friends.

We had a doctors appt today, and everything looks and sounds good. The heart beat was around 15o bmp, which is perfectly healthy. I am a day shy of 15 weeks and definitely beginning to show, I need to go have a shopping day full of maternity clothes. We have another appointment on Feb 4th for the in-depth ultra sound and to find out the gender. This month and a week is going to drag by, Glenn and I are getting very anxious to find out what we're having and nail down a name.

Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, keep them going! :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

It worked!

I had decided to order an at home dopplar to try to listen to our June Bug's little heartbeat. Well, it came in the mail today and I tried it out...and low and behold, it WORKED! It doesn't tell how fast it is, but it was amazing to be able to hear it for myself in the comfort of our own home! Just had to share my excitement with everyone! :-)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

June Bug

So it's been a while since my last longer doing the C25K...although I did accomplish it, I was able to run 5k, was never able actually run in an organized 5k, still proud of myself though. So now....I'm on to growing a baby! Glenn and I are so excited and love to be able to share this with all of our family and friends...near and far. Here's a little survey I copied and pasted from my other friend's blog who is pregnant. Enjoy!

How far along? 11 weeks

Maternity clothes? not yet

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep: can't get enough of it!

Best moment this/last month: Sharing our surprise with family

Movement: nope, too early

Food cravings: none really...just aversions

Gender: not sure yet

Labor Signs: none

Belly Button in or out? Definitely still in

Wedding rings on or off? On

What I miss: Being able to eat anything at anytime, not feeling nauseas, having my clothes fit

What I am looking forward to: Actually looking pregnant, and not just fat. :)

Weekly Wisdom: Pony tail holders work wonders...not just in your hair!

Milestones: Heard the heartbeat again....160BMP, nice and strong!